Monday, June 29, 2009

An introduction

Hello all,
First let me explain a bit about myself. My name is Nadine. I'm a golf professional from Canada, and currently studying my Masters Degree in Online and Distance Education. Although it seems that this degree should be directed toward learning how to teach other university and college students, I am trying to discover if in fact golf can be taught online, and taught successfully!

I love to teach golf. I've been doing it for over 10 years, and although I'm currently studying rather than actively teaching, I miss it and feel that I should share some of my experience and abilities with people out there. So this is where the blog comes in.

I'd love to get some questions and feedback going, so feel free to fire away! Except for the obvious "how do I fix my slice" question.... that requires more than I can do in a quick blog.

So where do I want to go with this blog? I believe there's a real need for "other" types of golf instruction- simple ways to learn the rules, tips for faster play, and the ever important topic of etiquette.

Let's see where this goes!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Nadine
    love the new blog...I'm no golfer but hubby is so I'll get him to take a look and see if he has any questions
